Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Do I still exist on Facebook friends? I just tried to log on and it said my account was disabled due to a fake name. What?? I guess they think Shinsel is a made up name? Let me know if I still show up or not please.


  1. you seem to be lost. that is so crazy because the rest of us shinsel's are still there.

  2. You are lost on my profile too! :( Hope you find yourself soon. (Hope you're all feeling better also.)

  3. you still show as one of my friends but when i try to go to your page it just directs me back to the home page. SO bizarre. I hope you can figure it out.

  4. It is official, Facebook sent me an email saying that making up fake names is against their policy and my account will be deactivated permanantly. So weird!

  5. Well, I think fb is crazy! Maybe they will be after the rest of us soon. I think Shinsel is a fine name. Bring it on fb!
