Saturday, March 23, 2013


Lincoln is all about his cousins. He is incredibly blessed to have so many! I was thrilled to tell him a couple weeks ago that we were going to meet MY cousins and their kids. I haven't seen some of my cousins since I was in high school, so our reunion in Tennessee was fantastic. We had beautiful weather, so all the kids got to play outside. When I say all the kids, there were 13!! Lincoln grabbed Danny's hand right away, and off they went to play. Drake did well for the 3 hour car drive each way. He didn't nap the entire day, so he past out on the way home.

Here's what the boys have been up to:

Lincoln is getting really good at writing and drawing. He does get frustrated when he can't get it right the first time.

I couldn't believe it when I asked him a math question and he gave me the answer right away. I asked him another subtraction question, and he answered it again. He was doing math in his head, and we have NEVER done it before. What?!?

Lincoln still loves to wear his super hero costumes and pj's everywhere. His best friend is Tristan, and he would eat mac and cheese everyday for lunch if he could. Angry Birds is his latest craze. He likes to play it on the ipad, draw the birds, and create "levels" out of legos.

Drake is still pretty much a monster! Now he yells at me like the goat from the doritos commercial, especially when he doesn't get what he wants or when I tell him it's time for bed.

He is saying more words. My favorite is when he says, "I know, I know, I know....elmo, ELMO!" He is going through a big elmo phase. He likes watching it, reading elmo books, and snuggling the huge elmo Aunt Terri gave Dave a long time ago.

Drake is getting his 2 year molars already, which means he will be turning 2 soon (gasp, my baby turning 2 just makes me want to cry!). Drake loves animals, especially dogs, and makes animal noises.

I snapped some shots of mom and the kids playing outside. They were having a great time with pool noodles and tricycles.

Friday, March 1, 2013


I let it happen again...another month recap post! Apparently, I didn't beat myself up enough about it last time.

February 2nd: Groundhogs day is one of my favorite days of the year. Besides groundhogs day, it is also our wedding anniversary. This year, Dave and I stayed in to celebrate our 7th. We made "sinless" tiramisu together the night before. On the night of our anniversary, Dave made a delicious dinner and after the kids went to bed, we enjoyed our dessert together. We also put on a movie and watched it in front of the fireplace. So cliche, but so fun!

February 14th: I had my 5 boys here for Valentines Day, so we didn't do too much. I surprised the boys, including Dave, with chocolates in the morning. Dave and I sent each other gushy texts while he was at work!

February 15th: It snowed in North Carolina! I took the boys out, while Dave was making one of our favorite meals, chicken tika. I couldn't believe how love the boys wanted to stay outside. We threw snowballs, built a snowman, raced in the snow, made snow angels for over an hour.

I wish I had more to blog about, but we have been sick so much this month. Earlier this week, Drake had scarlet fever, an ear infection, and strep throat. We have all been on some type of antibiotics during the month, and I can't tell you how much sudafed we have gone through. I am hoping March will be more kind to us!