Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sleep Update

I have very few pictures of Lincoln sleeping, because I feel like I am racing towards the bed to get myself to sleep after he goes down. This is not a complaint, only a update. I am thankful for my Aunt Cheryl for her wonderful advice that has helped get Lincoln out of bed with us. Lincoln can successfully fall asleep in his bed and stay asleep for 8-9 hours. I sit outside of his bedroom until he falls asleep, with 2 baby gates in his doorway so he can't crawl out. Some nights it only takes 10 minutes for him to go down, and some nights I have to warn him that Daddy will have to come sit by his doorway if he doesn't stay in bed. I talk with Lincoln during the stay about staying in bed all night, and we say a prayer together before he falls asleep, asking that Lincoln will not be scared and will stay in his bed all night.

I am also doing a rewards system for him. If he sleeps in his bed all night he gets a sticker in the morning. When he gets 5 stickers he gets to go out for french fries or a milkshake. I wasn't sure he would grasp the concept, but we often hear him say, "5 stickers, french fries milkshake." We just enjoyed a strawberry milkshake from Chick-fil-A on Friday!


  1. YAY for chik fil a. I'm glad he's having success! Keep up the good work.

  2. Good job Lincoln.....and Julie! You are such a good mommy!

  3. Woo hoo for 5 nights!!! Way to stick to it and make it work, I'm sure it's not easy. In fact, I'm pretty sure kids are here to teach us patience all over again just when we think we've got it figured out! :)

  4. Good job mom! Isn't it nice having Chick=fil=A so close. He truly is changing into a "real boy" not a baby anymore. How fun is that!
