Monday, October 11, 2010

Embarrassing Moments

Have you ever felt embarrassed for your child? I have had a few of those moments over the past couple days.

Last Tuesday: I took Lincoln to music and movement class at the library. My child was the only one spinning in circles while the other children were doing hand motions to "Wheels on the Bus" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider." He would spin so much until he would fall into the other kids. My child was the one sprinting around the room during the limbo song, while the other kids danced around calmly with their moms.

Last night: I smelled something really nasty right when Lincoln walked into the kitchen, where I was finishing up dishes. I was confused because the smell was coming not only from his bum, but also his hands. Then I felt really embarrassed (and grossed out) when he stuck those fingers into his mouth! He shivered like he had just eaten a lemon, but then...he did it again!

This afternoon: My 2 year old loves you tube videos, not cartoons, but videos of helicopters, trains, monster trucks, airplanes, etc. We watched a new video with F 14's today. When the first plane zoomed by Lincoln said, "Oh my gosh, fast airplane." The rest of the video he kept repeating "Dudes, or WOW." How does such a young guy get such a thrill out of those videos?


  1. 1 and 3 are endearing. 2 just plain grossed me out. Gag!

  2. Little boys, aren't they awesome! They sure keep you guessing.

  3. I have those moments EVERY day! haha! Lincoln is tooo funny! I love it. I can't wait to hang out with you guys again.....Little Linc isn't little anymore!

  4. these are ALL amazing. i wish i was there to high-five him (after he washes his hands).
