Monday, July 26, 2010

Typical Night

So this is a post that I can use when Lincoln has kids and is complaining about bedtime routines. Last week, Lincoln earned how to climb out of his crib, his grandparents even bought a bigger crib and he managed to climb out in about 30 seconds after it was put together. I am scared of crib tents, so this is our typical night now.

Let me backtrack and write what our nights USED to be like....starting at 7:30pm, Link would get a bath, get his allergy medicine, get his teeth brushed, get some books read, and get in the crib by 8:00pm. If he wasn't tired yet, he would just talk to himself until he fell asleep. It was really just too easy!

Now our typical night:
8:30pm, we start the bedtime routine (we have tried earlier, but get frustrated when it doesn't work.).
9:00pm, I start rocking him in the rocking chair.
9:45-10:00pm, I put Lincoln in the bed we made (2 queen beds pushed together)
1:00-2:00am, Lincoln starts *flip-flopping* around like a wild cat, which can last for hours
6:00am-7:00am, Lincoln, Dave, and I all wake up from our slumber party

I just have to remember that we have been carting this boy all over the country, and I have to be patient that as soon as we get our own place, we can start to get a better routine. But I so can't wait, until Lincoln's crazy toddler starts pulling the same thing, and I can say, "Booyah, you did it to us son!"

*flip-flopping* I thought this was a normal term, but it confused Dave the other night. I woke him up at 2:00am, and this was our conversation:
Me: Dave, please switch places with me in bed, Lincoln has been flip-flopping around for over an hour.
Dave: Sigh, here (he is pointing to his hand).
Me: What?
Dave: (still pointing to his hand) Well, I don't have any flip-flops right now.
Me: (trying not to laugh so I don't wake my flopping child up)


  1. I'm so NOT jealous of the slumber parties. I hope the phase will pass quickly for all of you.

    Your conversation with Dave sounds like something I would do. I often have conversations in my sleep that make absolutely no sense. Jeff always gets a good laugh out of them.

  2. Ba ha ha ha! I laughed out loud when I read this. Not the lack of sleeping, trust me, I know that's no fun, but the conversation with Dave. It's possible it's extra funny to me because Barry and I have conversations similar to this nearly every night as I lay there wide awake, unable to sleep, and then attempt to talk to him. Those boys really are all so much alike it's scary!
