Monday, July 5, 2010

Stories from the Crib

Last week, I put Lincoln to bed in his pack-in-play at Grandma's house. Usually Link does really well falling asleep on his own. It is rare for him to cry. I was surprised when I heard him screaming on the monitor a couple minutes after I put him down. This cry wasn't a "I'm sad that I have to go to sleep cry." It was a scared/hurt cry. I walked down the stairs, and I will never forget this image...the door to Lincoln's bedroom opened slowly and out walks the little guy so upset. I should have known he would climb out one day: I started climbing out of my crib at this age and it is only fair that he do the same. I think he got so dang scared from the fall, because he hasn't done it since that night!

The weather has been warmer lately, so I put Link down for a nap in just his tee-shirt. When he woke up, I walked into his very dark room. I couldn't see much yet, but Lincoln was holding out something for me. He said, "This??" in a question form, and I was handed his diaper. It could have been much worse, he hadn't used the bathroom in his crib yet and it wasn't a number 2.

Non-related crib news, Dave is in Charlotte for a job interview with Bank of America. It is weird that we have flip-flopped hometowns for the week. Keep fingers and toes crossed for us!


  1. I'm terrified of the moment Will starts climbing out of the crib. Good luck with the interview! Although I wish it were in Denver.

  2. Holy Poo....that is hilarious! I love that he handed you his diaper, HAHA. Man, you definately lucked out, it could have been WAY WORSE :)

    I am super excited for Dave's job interview. Let us know how it goes!!

  3. Yay! When I heard he had an interview, I was curious where and that was why we called the other night. Hope all goes well, keep us posted. I know you wouldn't be too heartbroken to make a move back to the Charlotte area! :)

  4. We use to have to duck tape Alexyss's diapers on or she inevitably would create a disaster every time :-) Gotta love kids.

    Fingers are crossed for Dave's job interview! Let us know!
