Monday, July 12, 2010

The Craft Bug

I have never really been interested in crafty stuff. Actually, this post is going to make my mom flip: She is so crafty and would beg me to do projects with her, and I would always refuse. So, I don't know when I got it, but the Craft Bug finally hit me. Maybe it was all the blogs I have been reading...Zandi and her amazing hats; Jen and her monthly craft nights; Donna and her decorating; Natalie and her quilting; Rachel and her little bit of everything...

It started with a tutu. My SIL Amy and I decided to make some tutus together. I know I don't have a daughter, but I do have nieces. These were so easy to make, and I am happy with how they turned out. I can't wait to see pictures of Penny and Baby Girl Shinsel in their tutus. Dave will be upset that I am sharing this info, but Link LOVED the tutus. He honestly would put them on and dance around. Yikes, we need to get this kid some more dirt to play in!

Mama Shinsel also contributed to this craft bug. She handed me a bag of old jeans and said, "You could make a nice picnic blanket with these." I was laughing in my head, because tutus are one thing, but sewing machines are totally different. I had lots of help, and ended up with this great blanket. The sewing machine didn't even make me throw up like I thought it would! The front is denim squares in a random pattern, and the back and edges are a funky red cotton material. (Don't you love my model...he's giving you his profile shot.)

When we went to pick up material for the blanket, I found some Cars material. I need to explain that Lincoln LOVES the movie Cars. It makes sense that he likes it: it's just like Thomas but with cars and not with British accents. Anyway, Grandma already had most of the Cars characters, she bought him Cars dining ware, and now he has a Cars blanket. He carries it around everywhere!

I found a cute dress that was super on sale, but when I tried it on at home, it was too short. For the first time in my life, I thought, I can fix it. I am planning on sewing some material on the bottom, just to make it longer.

I realize kindegardners could do these projects, but I'm still excited about all of them. Now I just need some more ideas, so keep craft blogging my creative friends!


  1. YAY! look at you go! I love the tutu, it's darling. You did a great job on the picnic blanket too.

    Will is currently obsessed with Cars. I can't tell you how many times we watch the tractors part a day. He giggles with the tractors "toot" after they fall over. Such a boy!

    Link is such a great model. His long hair is awesome! I wish we could get the boys together soon.

  2. I love it and I'm looking forward to the tutu! :) When I told Barry about it he couldn't help but roll his eyes at the thought. I then followed with, "Think of what cute pictures it will make" and instantly had him on board with the idea.

    Mama Shinsel and her sewing skills really are great. Her patience is endless and if you feel like giving up, leave the project lying around somewhere, go do something else, and when you come back - Magic - it's done! (That was my experience anyway when she was here.) It worked well, I started and she finished. We were a great team, but she definitely had the harder part!

  3. i LOVE the denim blanket!!! i hope you're proud of your latest crafties - they're definitely awesome. i started my obsessions doing small little projects like these. and i still love doing these shorter ones. keep up the good work julie! i cant wait to see what you come up with next!!!

  4. Yay! I am so proud of you sewing! I have been out of touch with my blogs, and your mom told me about your sewing. It is so fun...and addictive!
