Saturday, July 17, 2010

Small Things

This is just a reminder for me of all the small things that make me happy. We have received all "no thanks" for a couple jobs we thought might really happen, and Lincoln has now climbed out of his crib twice tonight, so really this is just for me, but you can read if you want.

It makes me happy when Lincoln crowds around his cousins. He adores the Huntsman boys, and I so appreciate the attention they give him.

Lincoln loves to help me bake. He does a great job with cupcake liners. (Sydney helped too.)

Lincoln likes to show affection by giving pats. He held on to Dave's arm and patted it most of the way back from picking him up from the airport. He missed his dad! I don't have a picture of the pats, but I also have to say that I missed Dave so much: we had never been apart for a week before. The sweet "love" email he sent me when he was gone was a small thing that definitely made my happy!

I think it is so cute when Link says "Cheese" for the camera. He doesn't do it often, because I can rarely get him to look at the camera. I got him this day though, and the picture caught the space between his front teeth, another small thing that makes me happy.

How do little boys make such great sound effects? It makes me happy when he throws rocks into the water and makes a "spasht" sound.

Dave held Lincoln until he fell asleep just now. That really makes me happy, and with that I will try to have sweet dreams and not think about all the "no's" from this past week.


  1. Jeff told me today that you posted about the gap in Link's teeth just because I had been talking to him about Will's gap. It's pretty funny how much alike they are! Right down to the space in their two front teeth!

    We just did our first (almost) week away from Jeff too. It was tough. So happy to be home. I hope something works out for you guys soon! I hate the "no thanks" in your behalf.

  2. Ahhh, I love this and I love you guys! I'm sure a job will open up soon, I hate that it hasn't happened yet, but I'm not going to lie, it's possible I'm selfishly hoping you'll still be in Oregon come September when this baby arrives so you can come see her/we can come there!
