Saturday, May 15, 2010

Master Dave

Dave walked across the stage at UNCC to accept his Masters diploma in Industrial Organizational Psychology! He has worked so hard these past 2 years, and I know it has been tough trying to support a family at the same time. Master Dave sacrificed lots of sleep, staying up late to do school work, in order to spend time with Lincoln and me. I would have been the nastiest, grouchiest, meanist momma/wife if the roles were reversed, so thanks Dave!


  1. YAY for Dave!! That is so EXCITING. I can't wait for the day Chance graduates! Dave looks so distinguished and you look like one HOTT little momma! Congratulations to the Shinsel fam!

  2. Congratulations! What a relief!!! I love your dress Julie.

  3. Congratulations! Huge accomplishment!

  4. Awesome... and we're sooo excited to see you soon :)

  5. MAZEL TOV times 52,348!!!!!!!!!!!!!
