Thursday, April 29, 2010

Zoo trip

The 3 Shinsels went to the Asheboro zoo yesterday, and we had a fantastic time! First of all, the weather was perfect. We have had a real Spring this year in NC. It was about 68 degrees and sunny. The NC zoo is split up into North America and Africa. We started in North America and saw tons of animals. Lincolns favorites were the aligators, cougars, and the sea lions (He cracked up everytime one swam by the window.).

We had a little picnic. Dave shared his "coke" with Lincoln. Everything kind of soda is a coke to Lincoln.

I knew Link was wearing out after lunch, so we quickly headed through Africa. We only made it to the giraffes and the elephants, then he past out. He stayed asleep through the entire 2 hour drive back. All that walking and talking about animals just wore him out!


  1. So fun! I can't believe how long Link's hair is getting, he looks so sweet sleeping! :)

  2. I LOVE the picture of you holding him asleep. Priceless.

    Will's word for soda is "peppers". I wonder what he got that from?! ;)

  3. Love all the pictures! Lincoln is getting so grown up. Dave looks awesome and how sweet with Link asleep on Mommy. Love all you guys.
