Monday, April 19, 2010

This time last year...

This time last year, we were doing the same kinds of things: looking for work, packing up the apartment and playing with our little boy. Lincoln had the chubbiest cheeks as a baby. Not all of the baby fat is gone though: a lady in the grocery store exclaimed, "Look at them jowls, I jes can't believe them jowls!" (Remember we are living in the South.)

"them jowls" this time last year


  1. I think that's the binki that Will stole from Link.

    Don't you miss the baby jowls? I love this stage but there are definitely parts of having an infant around that I miss.

  2. Aww Linc! He has gotten so big since this picture was taken! He's still quite the stud though :)

  3. Well, if all the packing and job searching lands you in Utah, I wouldn't be upset. I'm just sayin....

    Of course, I'll also expect you to pack and search for jobs again whenever we do so we can keep living in the same place. :)
