Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Skype is the best!

If you have relatives or friends that live too far away, you should really look into Skype. It is a free program you can download from the Internet, all you need to have is a web cam and you can SEE and talk to your loved ones.

I fell in love with skype when my nephew Carson was born over 3 years ago. My brother lived in California at the time, so it was a perfect way to watch my nephew grow. It was also a way I could cement my title as "Favorite Aunt!"

I have been able to visit Carson face-to-face: here we are when I went to Cali for Cleve's graduation.

Now that Link is around, I appreciate skype even more. Link gets to see his some of his cousins that live in Oregon and Idaho.

Link's cousin Sydney is only 6 months younger. Aren't they going to love this picture when they turn 16! I love having blackmail photos!

I have to appreciate another woman who is trying to become "Favorite Aunt." We try to skype Dave's brother Barry and his wife Amy, who live in Utah, a couple times a month. Lincoln now carries a picture of them around the house like it's a teddy bear. ( I know I have a pic with them and Link, but I can't find it right now!)

You don't always have to skype family. It was hilarious to see Will and Link give each other head-buts over the computer. They just kept going back and forth, giving each other head-buts until they found cars and trains to show off. My favorite part was when they both made airplane and train noises together. I know the Young family and Shinsel family are trying hard to make these 2 boys future BYU roommates, and skype will help!

If you want to skype us, let me know. We'd love to SEE your face!


  1. Everything about this post makes me happy! I smiled the whole time I was reading it! :)

  2. p.s. I love the strategic placement of Jarom's arm in the bath picture along with Link's lean - the perfect black mail picture indeed, shows just enough, but not too much!

  3. I loved chatting with you guys too. I keep thinking about how we need to do it more. Will might actually warm up to it more now that he kind of knows what's going on.

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog today. It made my day, that coupled with the moment I walked in the house tonight and saw Jeff and Dave chatting away while Will was sleeping. It's so nice to have him here, thanks for sending a Shinsel rep!
