Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An "interesting" month...

February has been an "interesting" month...I'm going to try really hard not to complain, because who really wants to read a bunch of complaints? So, here are some things I have loved and not loved about this month so far.

I have not loved: forgetting to bring my fancy red clogging shoes to my recital, our car breaking down, waiting 30 minutes for the tow truck to come, Lincoln cutting multiple teeth, Lincoln with a double ear infection (I still love Lincoln just not the teething or infections), looking for a lost wallet, going to work with snow covering the roads, the movie Dave picked for date night, our HUGE gas bill, forgetting to pay rent, and sending the wrong amount for rent.

I have loved: my clogging recital, our car only costing $300 to fix, baby Motrin, antibiotics, finding a lost wallet, playing in the snow, date night with Dave, a 24 pack of Diet Coke on sale, forgiving landlords, flowers Dave gave me for our anniversary, nursery at Church, catching up with an old high-school friend, and story-time at the library.

Phew, this was good for me! I have much more on the love list than I do on the not love list. I just need to remind myself of this list for the rest of the month!


  1. What movie did you guys watch so I know not to see it?

  2. Dang! I'm sad you forgot your red shoes too... did get an pictures still? PS the pool is by my parents house in Texas... its a pic from Christmas :)
