Sunday, July 26, 2015

Summer Happenings

Here are some of our latest summer happenings:

Even though it is blazing hot outside, we make sure to get some outdoor time. It usually happens in the morning, before it gets too hot. On this day, we had a nice snack on top of our playground. The kids get such a kick out of having me squeeze up there with them.

Each week, we have been visiting the library. Lincoln is really into chapter books. I love to see him sitting on the couch reading. It's my favorite when he reads to Drake. Just this morning, he was reading Calvin and Hobbes to Drake and was explaining what was real and what was fake.

The librarians are much more enthusiastic at the larger library in Gastonia. All the kids enjoy story time, which is great since I have a wide age range. They also like the educational computer games; so do some of our friends from church!

When my boys play video games, they jump up and down like crazy. It is totally a workout for them! Dorothy has now started jumping when we hand her a remote without batteries.

Thanks to my sister-in-law, I scored a great deal on target diapers. They came in huge boxes, which the boys turned into cars. They got to eat lunch in their cars and have also watched a movie in their cars. They think it's awesome when Dave and I push them around the house in them! 

The boys have been wanting to do somethings out of a book called, "The Messy Book." So far, we have made chocolate truffles and the boys made their own peanut butter and m&m sandwiches. The truffles were definitely messy when the boys decided to eat some of the leftover powder sugar. 

Dave helped he boys build some vehicles from a kit. Drake built a pirate ship and Lincoln built a monster truck.

We try to go swimming every afternoon. They get baths afterwards. I'm not sure why Drake feels the need to stick his tongue out in pictures, but like most things, Dorothy is catching on!

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