Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When do you give up?

So today has been day 3 of serious potty training, and I had to put Lincoln in a diaper for the last hour that he was awake. I had just had enough of cleaning up messes. I must have cleaned 15 different pee spots off the carpet! The most frustrating thing, is I KNOW he can do it, because he did fantastic yesterday. I used a trick that Vic told me about: I would give him a cup of warm water to put his hand it and it immediately triggered him to go number 1. I think from that, he figured out how to hold it in. Today the trick didn't work at all, not once. We would sit in the bathroom for over 30 minutes, he wouldn't go and then 30 seconds -2 minutes later, he would have an accident. Yesterday if he started to go, he would hold it and go to the potty to finish. The world was a bright, beautiful, sunny day yesterday! Please come back yesterday.

I have heard not to make potty training a battle, but I feel this time clock ticking...I have got to keep trying! For the next couple days, I am going to change things up a bit: no reading in the bathroom or spending more than 5 minutes. We will try to go every 15-20 minutes. If it doesn't work, and I sure pray it does, I will just give up until it gets warm. At least with warm weather I can put the little bugger outside and he can make as many messes as he needs to learn how to use the potty.

On a positive note, Dave and I both have joined gyms. Dave started back at a Mixed Martial Arts gym, and I joined the YWCA. Perfect timing, because exercise is a great stress reliever!

Oh dang, I shouldn't be writing these complaints today, it's Dave's birthday. We had a fun dinner celebration, and now he is getting his fitness on at his MMA training. Happy Birthday to my "Prince of a Man."

1 comment:

  1. Potty training is not so much fun. I remember those days. Just got back from Bangladesh last night and while we were there learned that they potty train at age 1. Yes 1!! So we would walk by the nursery where they keep the children and see a row of them sitting on their potty chairs. The Bangali women thought nothing of it as us American's with children were in awwe. Funny cultural differences.
