Monday, January 10, 2011

Birthday and Other Updates

Dave only has one year left of his "twenties." We actually had 2 birthday celebrations for the birthday boy! Our 2nd party was in Hickory last weekend. Dave has been wanting fried chicken for a while, but we havn't found a great recipe yet. Dad tried to recreate his mom's fried chicken. My Grandma Helen made the absolutely best fried chicken! It was always an experience when she made it, because he kitchen wasn't the largest and she didn't have a dishwasher. I have some of the best memories of cooking with her! Anyway, Dad did his best, but the chicken pieces were just too big. This made the outside too crispy and the inside not quite cooked.

Even though the chicken wasn't a success, it was still tasty and we still had fun. The Edwards came over to celebrate too. I made an almond pound cake with a dutch chocolate ice cream center and dark chocolate frosting (per Dave's request). Lincoln LOVES to sing Happy Birthday and help blow out candles. Rachel topped my cake with Dave's present: Dr. Pepper and Double Stuffed Oreos!

Potty Training is going so much better, now that Dave showed Lincoln how to stand up. I guess he feels like a big boy, because he is doing great now! He only has 1 or 2 accidents a day, and it's usually my fault from forgetting to take him to the bathroom. This morning, the first thing he did was go to the bathroom and start taking down his pants and diaper. I was also impressed that he is ok to go in public restrooms like Wal-mart and the church. He made us all laugh when he came up with his own version of "Follow the Prophet" a church nursery song. He started singing, "Pee Pee in da Potty" to the same tune.

Lincoln is also surprising me with how much he knows about letters. Dave's parents gave him a letter Leap Frog for Christmas, and it is amazing how much he is picking up from that. We were at the park and Lincoln said, "H Momma." I looked over and someone had spraypainted an H on the bridge. My mom said, "That's right Lincoln, H is for House, lets go back to my house." Lincoln replied, "Helicopter." What?!? I know he says helicopter a lot, but I really think he was telling us H stood for Helicopter.


  1. Lincoln is so smart! How fun that he's learning so much so fast and yay for potty training!

  2. What a smarty pants! I love that age. Something new everyday. I had to laugh at the Dr.Pepper and Oreo's because that is something one would give my dad for a gift. Must run in the family!
