Sunday, September 27, 2009

1st Birthday

I have so many emotions about Lincoln turning one! I am proud of all the new skills he has and all that he has accomplished so far. I am really excited about all of the new fun things he will learn to do in the coming year. I am weepy over the fact he isn't a baby anymore: he doesn't need me as much. At night he turns to a pacifier and a stuffed animal for comfort instead of me. He likes to eat on his own and doesn't want my help. It is so hard for me to believe that a year ago I had this little bundle that depended on my every second of the day.

Before Lincoln, I never realized how much love a mother has for her child. There isn't enough space to say how much I love my little boy. Lincoln, as you read this when you are older, I hope you realize how much your mom and dad love you. When we say prayers at night, you are always in them, and for the past 365 days, I have told Heavenly Father how thankful I am for you. I am blessed to be your mommy!

Now that I have a box of tissues beside me, I can finish this post. We had a party for Lincoln up in Hickory at my parent's house. We had about 20 people over for BBQ and cake. Rachel did a great job of decorating the house. There were blue streamers hanging from the ceiling and blue balloons all over the floor. All of the kids had fun playing with the balloons. Lincoln kept walking from room to room: he was so social and didn't want to miss anything. He was confused when everyone was singing to him. After I gave him a little taste of the frosting on the cake, he shoved a whole handful in his mouth. There were presents for him to open, but he was too interested in balloons and what other people were doing. Thanks to all the friends for coming out on a rainy Friday: you made it a great party! We missed all of our friends and family who couldn't make it, but we appreciate all of the birthday wishes, cards, and presents you sent!


  1. You should've warned people to get tissues before they started reading. I'm glad the party was such a success. He's such a sweet little boy and he has great parents.

  2. It's amazing how fast it goes, isn't it? I can't believe Micah is almost 2 months, or for that matter, that Caleb is 9! Beautiful post, you ha me in tears this time!...Happy Birthday, Lincoln!
