Friday, July 13, 2012

Kung Fu Lincoln

My poor computer won't connect to the Internet, so I haven't been blogging like I have been wanting to. Once Dave fixes it, I will be in serious catch-up mode. I had to write this down before I forgot though. Imagine Lincoln's speaking in the perfect movie trailer voice....

"NEW, Lincoln punch movie" {his arms swinging like crazy and his legs kicking}
"FOREVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEERRRRRR" {more arm swinging and kicking, plus a stare down with fierce eyes}

I think we might need to take a little break from Kung Fu Panda and movie previews!

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny. I can just see him doing that. The count down is on, can't wait to see you all.
    The summer is just flying by.
