Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Big Brover

(Lincoln at Sean's birthday party a couple weeks ago. These are his best buddies.)

Lincoln is doing really well adjusting to being a "big brover." He loves to hold Drake and stroke his head. Link is ready for Drake to be playing, he will say, "baby brover, wook at dis toy, wook." I took Lincoln out to get donuts the other night, to have some alone time with him. As soon as we got to the car he pointed to Drakes car seat and said, "baby brover sits there." He said it twice. I am glad that he considers Drake a part of the family.

PBS has been a staple lately. We all know this tv network tends to be on the liberal side. While we were at the park, some landscapers were trimming the trees. Lincoln screamed out, "Noooooo, stop hurting my trees!" As soon as I told Dave (who is pretty conservative) he told me no more Sesame Street. He also said he was going to buy Lincoln an ax!

Mom and Maxine took Lincoln to a cool park last Wednesday. It was great to just hang out at home and hold Drake all day. It has been wonderful having Grandma stay with us. I'm very thankful for Papa, who has been away from her this long. She has been Lincoln's constant playmate and a huge help around the house. I would feel like a jerk asking her to vacuum or clean my kitchen floor, but I know she loves it!


  1. I loved every part of this post, but I would also love to see some more pics of those sweet boys together!

  2. Why wouldn't he buy his two year old an ax? I'm surprised Link didn't already have one. :)

    I'm so glad the boys are doing well together. I knew they would! Link is so sweet!
