Monday, August 23, 2010

Moving Week

The lack of posts is because we have been so dang busy. Because I announced to the entire world out of excitement, most people know that Dave got a job! He will be working for Aon in Winston Salem, NC as a Benefits Specialist. Just when I was about to doubt prayer and fasting, this job came along. I am very thankful for our friends and family who continually thought/prayed for Dave in his job searching.

Dave starts work on Monday, so we needed to hurry and find a place to live. I called the Bishop (head of the local church) and he told us about a family who moved away but needed to rent their house. It happens to be a great starter house that we will purchase in a couple months, if everything looks stable with Aon. We had the house inspected today, and everything is gravy. Mom and I will drive down tomorrow to a little cleaning, and then our moving crew (Reed and his friends) will help move us in on Wednesday. Dave and I have been sleeping on our king bed in the living room of my parent's house, so we are thrilled to get in our own place!

Meanwhile, Lincoln has been having fun with his old playgroup buddies. He even gets to go to the fire department this week. His vocabulary is getting bigger and he continues to crack us up. Lately, he has been saying hi to everyone and waving. He won't quit saying , "Hi Momma (or Daddy, Papaw, BB, Reed, Maggie, etc.) until you say hi back. The other day after he got done with his "hi" rounds, he waved to himself and said, "Hi Ikies (that's how he says Lincoln)." As most little boys he is so into trucks, airplanes, trains, cars and boats. I'm excited that we have tickets to see Thomas the train on his exact birthday.

Lots of pictures and more information to follow...

1 comment:

  1. It's possible I've been watching your blog daily for an update such as this one! Happy moving week, looks like the house situation is going to be perfect! Can't wait to see pics and hear more about it!
