Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Denver Trip

We have been trying to see the Young family once a year. It was our turn to go to Denver. Dave and I had originally thought of road-tripping, but last minute found some killer flight deals. We got to check out the new terminal of the Charlotte airport.

I love how quickly everyone settles in with each other! We barely walk in the door, and the boys take off to play with the Young boys and Dorothy is asking Jen about makeup.

I feel like we went on a ton of adventures, but also had a good amount of chill and play time at the house.

Last time we were in Denver, we went to this same park/splash pad.

What would a trip to Denver be, without going to Casa Bonita? The kids fell asleep on the way was BEFORE lunch!

Grandma Young watched the kids, so the adults could go to a Coheed concert. We ate wonderful Korean food, and had a great time at the concert.

Colorado is stunningly beautiful. We had a great little hike one evening when the sun was setting.

All the kids were excited to go to Elitch gardens, an amusement park. We spend the whole day there, and had a blast! We spent some time riding rides and being in the water park.

We also went to a great aquarium with lots of animal experiences. Drake got licked by a sloth and fed iguanas. Dorothy fed a fish and got to see a mermaid. Lincoln was able to feed some birds.

One night after dinner, we had a nice walk to the duck pond. It’s amazing to me all the trails that are around.

That sunset though!

On our last day, we went fishing. I wish I could say it was wonderful, but kids were hot and tired, and mine were complaining a lot! We did have some excited smiles when we caught some fish, so I’m going to try and remember the smiles the most.

Later that night, on our way to the airport, Drake asked, “Can we go fishing when we get back home?”

My reply, “Too soon, Drake, too soon.” It will be a while before I will want to take them fishing again!

I feel so incredibly lucky to have such friends like the Youngs. We always treasure the time we have together, and look forward to our next adventures with them!!

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