Thursday, November 9, 2017


Each year, Dave’s company invites clients down to Orlando for a 3 day Conference. One night, they treat everyone to a night at Universal. Spouses are invited, because the company rents out part of the park, so it’s a super cool experience. Dave and I decided I wouldn’t go, for various reasons. As it got closer, we both changed our minds and made it happen. I’m very thankful for neighbors and parents who took over Mom duty, so I could go for a day.

It was amazing to finally meet the people Dave works with, and even more amazing to just walk on rides. We rode quite a few and rode my favorite, the transformers, twice! I still can’t believe Dave got me on one roller coaster, where it flies straight up! I promised the boys some things from Harry Potter World, and we tried our Butterbeer. I’m glad we both changed our minds, because it was such a fun experience!

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