Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Is it Summer Yet?

Geeze, May has been so busy already, I'm ready for summer break!

I had a babysitter watch the little ones, so that I could attend Lincoln's field day. I didn't want to spend my time chasing them off the field, and I really enjoyed watching Lincoln and his classmates. We had prepped Lincoln for a few weeks about field day: he is naturally competitive and would always like to win. I was so proud of his good sportsmanlike performance! He cheered on his classmates, didn't freak out when his team lost, and was fine to not be chosen for every event. It was a great day!

Later that week, I braved a field trip with all the kids. Bad decision! Drake was thrilled to be part of the big kids and did great for the most part. He was even chosen to demonstrate "measuring." 

The kids were gathering for lunch, and Drake got ahead of me. I couldn't get around all the kids, because I had Dorothy in the stroller. Long story short, I lost Drake for 3 minutes. He is never allowed on a field trip again!!

It was perfect weather to go strawberry picking last week. Jack and Drake were fantastic pickers!

So, they were rewarded with play time on the equipment.

Dorothy and her friend Kennedy waited patiently.

We have spent tons of time outside. Dorothy loves playing with the hose.

I love to see these two on the swing together.

And, what kid doesn't love playing in a car? Watch out, Dorothy at the wheel!!

Dorothy is walking a lot more now, and her little personality is coming through. She was making a grumpy face, because she was stuck on the drawer.

Dave made chocolate milk shakes, and gave some to our very own Dairy Queen. She would not let go of the cup, even when it was empty. Dave tried to take it away, but she got so angry. He gave it back to her and she ended up keeping it in the tub with her.

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