Sunday, March 1, 2015

Snow Fun

The weatherman was right; we got some winter weather! In the past 2 weeks, school has been canceled 4 days and delayed 2. 

On President's Day, we made George Washington and Abraham Lincoln cookies with our neighbors. 

Later that night, the ice began. There was so much sleet, school was cancelled for 3 days! There wasn't a ton to play in, but the boys were doing handstands, eating the ice, and trying to make ice angels.

The next week we had a little snow on Tuesday and as the local weatherman said, "the sky was puking snow" on Wednesday night. We have a great spot in the kitchen to look outside. The pictures were from the small amount on Tuesday. The rest of the week, Dorothy and I had nasty colds, so we didn't venture out much.

The boys have been able to play in the snow 4 times this year, so I'm good now. Bring on Spring!

Lincoln begs me to play chess with him. It's a long game and hard to do with 2 little ones, but I have made it happen twice this past week. He is really good! I can't believe he remembers what all the pieces do. He will hush people when it is his turn and say, " concentration, concentration." 

He was trying to stick up for me one day. Drake had just hit me in the face with Bear Bear and Dave had just finished scolding him that is was not ok. Lincoln chimed in, "yeah, because mom is old." Thanks buddy!

I need to do more praying for how to handle my Drake. I often feel like I am failing him. I just have to remind myself that I know he loves me and he knows I love him. 

Dorothy is getting more and more curious! She is still not saying much and not walking, but that will come soon. She had 2 more teeth pop out this week. For Christmas, she got a toy phone. She loves to hold it up to Dave's ear and have him talk in it. Then she takes it back and says what she wants and gives it back to Dave. She could do this game for hours!

We were feeling better enough by Friday to celebrate my Dad's 60th birthday. I know I am lucky to have such a great dad, and we had a really fun night!

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