Friday, November 30, 2018


Random happenings in November:

Cain discovered he loves the car window being down.

We had an electronics night with friends. The kids took apart different old electronics and built an LED circuit.

Dave and Jeremy started building the garage!

I watched Dorothy on her observation day at Ballet.

Link came across this “Lincoln Popper” popcorn maker, and needed a picture!

Dorothy painted herself (with face paint) while I was helping the boys with homework.

Drake coined this look “Creepy Clown.”

Drake lost his first tooth! He had me yank it out. This kid has no fear.

Oh, just making something delicious. How can you not be happy when you see this cute smile? She is my best kitchen buddy.

Flag football season ended. Drake learned a lot of different plays and football terms this year.
He is number 7.

The boys had to wake up really early on their first day off of Thanksgiving break. We had to drop off Dorothy at Physical Therapy. Target is close to the office, so I treated them to Hot Chocolate from Starbucks and then they got to play some Nintendo Switch games. At first they were not looking forward to the morning, but then they decided it wasn’t so bad to go to Target.

What a beautiful Thanksgiving morning! Dorothy wanted to take Cain on a walk, riding on my back. We busted out the old Ergo baby backpack. Now she wants to use it all the time, but those 4 year old legs are long, and not kind to my back!

Thanksgiving morning, we all watched the parade while Dave baked some pies. I had done most of the cooking earlier in the week, since Mom had her hip replaced the Tuesday before. I knew it would be a busy week with traveling to the hospital for her surgery, and Dave working on the shop, so I had to do a little planning.

We had so much to be thankful for. I love this holiday where I can focus on my many blessings. We had a nice dinner in Hickory. Mom stayed in her bedroom for most of the time. Kids played well together, and we had lots of yummy food. I made a Pumplecan pie (pumpkin, pecan, and apple).

Cain had his 1st birthday. The kids helped me decorate his carrot cake with kibble. Cain kept eating his friend’s piece of cake, the stinker. We even had a slumber party the night of his birthday: Dave was out of town, and the kids wanted to sleep by the Christmas tree, which is in the same room where Cain sleeps. They all thought it was fun to be able to have a slumber party with the birthday pup!

We are learning more and more about our children; their strengths and weaknesses. Some of it has been hard to hear, but undoubtably we are grateful for healthy children. I do treasure this time I have with them, and know that I am exactly the mom for them (even if I don’t feel qualified sometimes.). Bring on the Christmas season!!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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