Monday, July 28, 2014

Summer Fun--Denver

We only have a month before I have to send Lincoln to kindergarten!! Before I throw up at that thought, I need to recap all of our Summer fun so far.

I was super brave and flew with the kids all by myself to Denver. Dave had a business trip planned, so we tagged along. The Young family didn't mind! In fact, they were amazing hosts.

Jen and the boys picked us up from the airport. I wish we had a picture of how we managed to get all of the kids and luggage in the car. I rode to their house with the double stroller in my lap.

We took a walk with the boys one night. They all thought it was great to use the potty in the wilderness. I fell in love with the beautiful Colorado landscape!

The kids got along so well! I love this sweet picture of Will with Dorothy.

Even though we packed the days full of activities, the boys fought sleep. Here are 3 wide awake during "rest time."

Luke put up a good fight, but sleep finally won!

We went to a fun park that had a splash pad and enjoyed a picnic lunch. I think their favorite part of that afternoon was when I was chasing them at the park. Why do kids loved to be chased so much??

This is how we rolled.

Dave got done with his work, and so we all went to Elitches Amusement Park.

 We convinced Link to go on a bigger ride. He did like it, even though his knuckles were turning white from clutching on the handles.

The group also went to Daniel's park for a hike, Casa Bonita for the entertaining dining experience, an indoor swimming pool and a historic museum; however, I think their favorite part of the trip was just being at the Young house.

They jumped on the trampoline.

Played video games.

Played outside. They was usually one kid outside at any given time. I am coveting their fenced in yard!

Dorothy was such a trooper! She was happy with whatever we were up to. When she had a really high temperature and some bloody diapers, we did have to take her to urgent care. Everything was fine after some motrin, and we are so thankful for that!

Lincoln is already stashing away money so that he can fly Will to our house. They have such a great friendship, and I expect Drake and Luke will follow suit. 

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