Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Our Second Month as a Family of 5

This month has definitely been easier than last month! Things are not easy, but we are transitioning back to normal life. We have had playdates, been to stores, and are enjoying the weather outside.

At Dorothy's 2 month check up she was 11 lbs 4 oz (47th percentile) and was in the 87th percentile for height.  I love how much she adores me! When I hold her, she will tilt her head so she can look at me. Dave also gets great smiles from her in the morning. And even though she gets manhandled by the boys, she loves them too!

Drake can be so naughty, so hilarious, and so sweet. I guess that is typical for an almost 3 year old. After Dave made him some chocolate milk, Drake told him, "Canks [thanks] Daddy, you amazing, you smart." Whenever he sees Lincoln on the floor, he feels the need to body slam him. Poor Lincoln puts up with a lot from him! Drake refuses to be potty trained. He would much rather have someone wipe his bum. I love his good mornings. He is quick to tell me good morning and also give a good morning to "Dorphy." He also likes to tell me "that's enough of that" and "that's not very nice" when I give him an answer he doesn't like. Drake is also done with napping.  It makes bedtime a lot easier, but the early evening is a little rough.

Lincoln is starting to pick up on gender differences. He told me the other day, "Girls say pretty and boys say cool." He also told Drake pink was a girl color and that Sophia the First was a show girls like. Link is a tank: he is over 50 pounds. He is still in Lincoln Punch mode all day long. He asks me to play Lego Lincoln Punch with him multiple times a day. We have some new neighbors next door, with grandkids his age, so he has been in heaven with friends to play with. I feel like he has really mellowed out lately. Maybe school won't be such a challenge for him this Fall!

All of my pictures come from the ipad, since I don't have enough hands to carry a real camera. Here are some shots from this past month...


I hope they appreciated the time outside. It took them forever to get bundled up! I do have to admit I had fun throwing snow balls at the boys. They had so much fun with snow, they decided to have a snow fight with flour in the kitchen.

Valentines Day

Yep, I let them have chocolate for breakfast. We have also started a tradition, where they can pick out whatever they want to eat for breakfast on Saturdays.

We celebrated my dad's birthday this month. He and Dorothy got a nice nap in. Oh, what I would pay to have a long, uninterrupted nap!! Actually, I have thought about it...I'm at 200 bucks.


  1. $200?! Ha ha, I laughed out loud! Your kids are adorable, I just wish they were closer. Mya and I enjoyed looking at all of these pictures. I can't believe Link is over 50 pounds! And I love all the things Drakie is saying. Oh, darn it, this just made me miss you guys so much...

  2. Looks like little miss "Dorphy" is adjusting well with the boys :-) Love the 2nd picture of them snuggling (squishing) her. So funny! I wish you a blissfully LONG nap one of these days! HUGS to you all!!
