Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rainy Days

We have been getting so much rain lately, so we have had to come up with ways to have fun inside.

Playing Super Heroes:

This is a game that we play quite a bit at our house. Lincoln was concerned Drake didn't have a cape like him. So a few scissor cuts and some glue gun, and we took care of Drake.

Drake was concerned we didn't have a cape for Bear Bear. A few scissor cuts, and some glue gun, and we took care of Bear Bear.

Play Dates:

We have met more friends Lincoln age, which makes me a happy woman and Lincoln a happy little guy! We have been having play dates once a week, and Lincoln was excited his new friend Danny was also on his t-ball team (t-ball keeps getting cancelled bc of the rain.).

Our old friends from Winston Salem came up from South Carolina for a visit. Mason is still a sweetie, and his little sister is adorable.

Dress Up:

Much like super heroes, but a little different. We had a family photo shoot one night, while dressing up. The boys even got Dave to dress up.


Thank goodness for MOPS. The local fire fighters came for a visit on Friday to teach the kids fire safety. They get dressed up in all their gear and tell the kids, "Fire fighters LOVE hugs." This is so the kids won't be scared of them dressed in all that equipment. The kids also got to practice stop, drop, cover your eyes and roll.

Hair Cuts:

Ok, we only did this once, but I did want to note it. Dave finally agreed to cut off Drake's baby mullet. Lincoln also got a trim. I swear he has the most beautiful hair! Can you tell Drake is doing his "cheeeeeese" face?

1 comment:

  1. We really enjoyed the pictures of the boys. You are very creative with the capes.
