Sunday, May 19, 2013

Iron Man for a Day

Lincoln has an Iron Man coloring and activity book. One page asked, "If you could be Iron Man for a day, what would you do?" I transcribed Lincoln's response.

     If I were both Lincoln Punch and Iron Man, I would go to my cousin's house in Tennessee. I would destroy my bad guys, they look different. They look like swords. But they are REAL swords! And my angry ball can help me fight that sword bad guy, and I have a real sword. We discrievement [Link's own word he made up, Dave and I think that he means disagreement, may be?] him and he gets all wrinkled and then what's next is he fights again with me.

We went swimming earlier this week, and I asked Lincoln to change into his swimsuit. He did. We came home and I asked him to change out of his wet swimsuit. He did. He came back downstairs and said, "I gotta tell you something funny mom. I swimmed in my undies!" He was so excited for the chance to go swimming, he forgot to take them off. I loved how he told me. He was half chuckling and half telling me!

On Friday, Drake was not feeling well. I put on a tv show for him to see if that would make him happy. Lincoln asked what I was doing, since we don't watch tv in the morning. I told him Drake wasn't feeling well, and I was going to see if the tv would make him be less grumpy. Lincoln responded, "Mom, when we are sick, we go to the doctor, we don't watch a show." I thought about it for a few minutes. Packed the kids up and went to the doctor. Drake had an ear infection and a very red throat. Thanks for the tip Lincoln!

Lincoln had his first T ball game this week. All the little ones looked so cute in their uniforms. Go Wildcats!!

I told Lincoln that daddy's favorite baseball team is the Atlanta Braves and that Gigi's favorite team is the Pittsburgh Pirates. He asked me what my favorite team was, and told him I didn't know. He told me his favorite team was the Wildcats.


  1. Lincoln just cracked me up! He is a pretty cool looking t-ball player!
    I just love the funny things kids do and say.
    Poor little Drakie having another ear infection. Hope he feels better soon. Very insightful of Lincoln that he should go to the dr.

  2. Lincoln's a smart little cookie. Love the t-ball pictures!!
