Sunday, January 1, 2012

Merry Christmas

Before I can blog about the holidays, I need to get caught up on the previous few weeks. Drake turned 6 months...6 months, I can't believe how fast the time is going! He is mostly sitting on his own, but prefers to be on his tummy, inch worming around. He also gets where he wants by rolling around. He weighed 18 pounds 6 oz and is 26.5 inches long. His head is only in the 15th percentile. The booger is so cute, but has been waking up 2-3 times at night to eat. This is no growth spurt, he has been doing it ever since Thanksgiving. Something needs to happen, because I tend to not be the most patient with Lincoln when I am tired.

Speaking of Lincoln, he is funny/naughty as ever and has been loving this time of year. I was trying to talk on the phone with the dr's office one day and Lincoln kept yelling at me and having a melt down over something small. I kept trying to sush him, but it wasn't helping. When I got off the phone I let him have a long talk about being quiet when I am on the phone...listening to mama...not having fits...I must have been going on for a while, because Lincoln kept saying, "ok mama, ok mama." Then finally, "Mom, mom, mommmm, mom quiet down a little, ok." I tried really hard not to laugh, I even covered my mouth, but he caught me. He asked me if I was laughing. I tried to say no, but started to laugh even harder. He better not try that one again!

Today, I am so proud of him, because he did a fabulous job in his first day of Sunbeams (Sunday School). Dang, I got ahead of myself! Corey came out for a week before Christmas. Lincoln loves his Uncle Corey, and they had fun going to Waffle House, dancing to Christmas music, and eating breakfast with Santa.

I braved the mall a couple days before Christmas to get the boy's picture taken with Santa. Lincoln already had breakfast with Santa, so he wasn't that interested.

We also made a gingerbread house, but Lincoln only wanted to eat the candy. That is why there are only about 2 pieces on it.

Every where we went, if someone said Merry Christmas, Lincoln would tell them he wanted a remote control Santa train. We also explained to Lincoln the real reason for Christmas, and he thought every little baby was baby Jesus. He got excited every morning to put a piece of the nativity scene on his magnet advent calendar. Every day he asked if it was time to put baby Jesus on the scene, and I would tell him not yet (it was number 24). And EVERY day he would ask if he could just look at the baby Jesus.

On Christmas Eve, Dave got his Christmas present, tickets to the Panthers game. He isn't a huge Panthers fan, but has always wanted to go to an NFL game. Mom was brave enough to watch both boys the whole day. We had so much fun! The atmosphere was great, the fans sitting behind us were hilarious, and the Panthers won. We also had a good time talking about the "TopCats" (panther cheerleaders) choreography: step right, step left, hair whip, clap, hair whip, hair whip, clap, clap, clap.

Christmas Eve night we continued with our movie tradition. We spread blankets on the living room floor and watched Kung Fu Panda 2. We didn't really hype Lincoln up about Christmas, because we wanted him to sleep. It worked! He slept until 7:30 the next morning.

I was so excited for Santa to bring Lincoln his train, I could hardly sleep! In the morning, the shocked look on Lincoln's face was fantastic. He even had to ask, "Is this my remote control santa train?" He has been playing with trains all day ever since.

Rachel and Dave E came over for Christmas dinner and some birthday cake. Kipling, Chaucer, and Lincoln all had matching sweaters, totally by accident.

I hope all of our friends and family far away had a wonderful Christmas! May the New Year bring much happiness to you all!!


  1. We missed you Christmas eve over at Maxine and Vics. Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas though and I love Lincolns cute little personality. What a fun age and Drake, what a doll, such a smiley little guy. Anyway, loved catching up on your Christmas even if it was through the blog, just wish you guys would have been here on the year I FINALLY had the holiday's off of work.

  2. Glad the train was a hit! It's funny how it changes what becomes exciting to you at Christmas, it's not the gifts you get anymore, but the ones your kids do. :) I hope Drake starts sleeping better soon, I remember those sleepless nights all too well and I didn't have to keep up with a toddler during the day!
