Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween and the Day After

I bought Lincoln's costume last year the day after Halloween, hoping he would like Spiderman by this year....and he did!

I was surprised he even wanted to keep his mask on the whole night. Drakie wore Lincoln's ninja costume. Poor boy will probably always have a hand-me-down costume! We went Trick-or-Treating with our good friends Kyle and Sean, I mean ninja and Darth Vader.

Lincoln was so excited to run up to the houses and ring the doorbells. His heart was beating so fast, when I would hold him back from running inside the houses! He did a great job saying "Trick-or-Treat" and "Thank You." He also asked everyone who had a pet, "Can I have your cat?" or "Can I have your dog?"

We were out for about 1.5 hours and came back home to pass out candy, except nobody came to our place. We have so much candy!!

Dave carved another amazing pumpkin. I convinced him to carve Drake, since his first pumpkin was of Lincoln. We don't want Drake to have any "issues."

I just want to document a day in our life. Some days are more crazy, some days are less crazy, but I want to be able to look back and remember these times.

2 am--Feed Drake and put him back to sleep.

7am--Drake wakes up for the day.

7:20am--Lincoln storms in the room saying, "It's wake up time!"

7:30am--Breakfast...Lincoln likes warm milk every morning.

8:00am--Shower and get kids dressed for the day.

8:38am--Get in the car and leave for Target.

8:49am--Get Lincoln out of the car and realize I forgot my diaper bag with my wallet inside.

9:02am--Run inside the house and grab my bag.

9:15am--Inside Target I get popcorn to help Lincoln to stay inside the cart, while I shop.

9:28am--Drake starts crying. Stop by the toy isle so Lincoln can look at toys and I can feed Drake. I squat down and start feeding Drake.

9:30am--Lincoln looks at me, and says, "I have to go pee pee." The look in his eye tells me it's too late.

9:31am--Lincoln has a huge accident. I mean pee all down his pants, socks, and even shoes. There is a puddle on the ground. I have to stop feeding Drake, which doesn't make him happy, and clean up the mess.

9:36am--Without any extra clothes for Lincoln, I hurry and finish shopping to get home.

10:03am--Get inside the house and go straight up to the bath. Give Lincoln a bath, and finally finish feeding Drake.
10:45am--Lincoln is dressed, turn on Busy Town Mysteries for him, so I can do some chores. While holding Drakie, I put laundry in wash, clean up pee pee shoes, and put away things from Target.

11:27am--Drake falls asleep, so I put away Halloween decorations and make lunch for Lincoln.

12:22pm--Drake wakes up, we play with Lincoln and get him milk before his nap.
1:00pm--I read to Lincoln before his nap.

1:10pm--Drake watches me prepare dinner (meatloaf) and watches me knit a baby present for a friend.

2:30pm--Drake goes down for another nap, his long one! I have alone time to fold laundry and prepare for preschool the next day. I had to do an example of the train project we were making during art. I also take 30 minutes to be on the computer.

3:45pm--Lincoln wakes up. We paint together and play motorcycles.

4:30pm--Drake wakes up and gets fed. I finish making dinner.
5:15pm--Dave comes home!!!

5:30pm--Dinner time/clean up dishes.

5:59pm--Dave watches kids, so I can exercise.

6:40pm--We swap kids, so Dave can work on re-finishing some chairs for a friend. Drake falls asleep again.

7:00pm--Lincoln plays outside in the sandbox, while I finish preschool project.

7:10pm--Drake wakes up, he gets some rice cereal mixed with apple juice, which he LOVES.

8:00pm--Dave finishes up outside, I take off to Walgreens with Drake to pick up his medicine.

8:30pm--Dave gets Lincoln ready for bed. We leave the hall light on, so he can look at books in bed.

8:30pm-10pm--Deal with a fussy Drake. I don't know if he is teething or just not feeling well.

10:02pm--Just give up and put Drake in bed. He falls asleep in less than 2 minutes, without even crying.

10:02-10:30pm--Hang out with Dave while he is working from home (normally he works until midnight or some nights later). We watch something...I can't remember what it was though!

10:30pm--Pray with Dave and get ready for bed. Every night, I am so thankful for my bed.

10:35pm--I go in Lincoln's room and clear off all the books and toys on his bed. Give him another kiss before I go to sleep.

Phew, I know I will love reading this one day!


  1. First of all, it only takes you 38 minutes to show errands get THREE of you ready?! I must know your secret. Second of all, I got tired just reading about your day! I have half the number of children you do and I'm still not always up for going to Target by myself. Basically, you're super mom. :)

  2. I too got tired reading about your day, then I started remembering what it was like with three little boys and two older kids. What was I thinking! Now that they are grown up, I am so glad I stuck with it. Some days I thought for sure I would have to be committed. Some days I still wonder if I shouldn't be. Keep up the good work!

  3. That schedule is exactly why I told Tob that NOW I think I could be a stay at home mom :-) He didn't go for it so I guess I will continue working. I agree with Amy, getting ready and out the door in 38 minutes is impressive :-) I think I could have done it but it wouldn't have been pretty.
