Monday, January 16, 2017

The New Year

Yay for a new year! So far, we can't complain about anything that has come our way in 2017.

The kids were stoked to get snow!! The best part of the snow, was that it happened mostly on a weekend, so we could enjoy being snowed in with Dave. We had multiple meals with our fabulous neighbors and just enjoyed being outside.

The kids only missed 2 days of school, since the roads were pretty icy.

I've never really enjoyed snow, but I found myself getting excited, since the kids were. Dave took some cute shots of our snow babies all bundled up.

I will always wonder how hats, gloves and boots manage to fall off!! My excitement wore off as I had to take my gloves off to re-attach the kid's gear. As well was shoveling ice off the driveway, Drake walked all the way from the backyard with one boot on and one boot off. He was completely barefoot!! He had to tell me his sock fell down, so he took it and the boot off. Crazy boy! All the kids loved zooming down our back yard, and especially when it iced over. They would go lightning speed into the woods and didn't care if they happened to get scraped by the brush.

Dad was able to come down Sunday night to party with us for Dorothy's birthday. She remembered all about presents from Christmas time, so she was a pro at opening all her gifts. The first one she opened was an owl purse full of chap stick. That was a real winner, because she kept coming back for the chap stick, even though she got some really nice presents!

Dave made her a super cute owl cake, that she kept calling her "happy birthday owlie cake."

Owl cake picture

I'm still trying to believe she is actually 3. When the boys turned 3, I had babies in the house. Dorothy is such a joy and brings a lot of fun and happiness into our house. I can't wait to see more of her personality when she starts talking more!

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