Monday, December 12, 2016

Christmas Time

This is a wonderful time of year, and we are so enjoying all of the fun things that are going on!

The kids upcycled some egg cartons by making Christmas trees out of them. They are so cute: I have them hanging up in the kitchen!

Our church started a service initiative this season called "light the world." The kids get excited about what they can do to help others. Lincoln suggested that we take our neighbor's leaves, since she has a bad arm. We even got our other neighbors involved!

This was the first year in a long time we have a real Christmas tree. Our little town is so sweet: while we were picking out our tree downtown, Santa was waving to the kids from across the street. We crossed the road and had some good talks with Santa. Lincoln had quite a long list and Drake said, " I want whatever my brother said."

We took our tree home, decorated it and watched the Charlie Brown Christmas movie. Dave made homemade pizza, since that was a tradition when I was a kid. What a fun night!

The next day, mom came down with Penny and Carson to see some Christmas lights. Our plans got totally changed, cell phones died, and lines were really really really long, so it wasn't super enjoyable for the adults. I'm pretty sure the kids still had a blast though! We ended up at McAdenville, and walked through "Christmastown."

Lincoln started basketball. This is a first for him, and I'm proud of him for trying something new.

Another reason we love our town at Christmas is because of the parade. I had Dorothy strapped on my back, so she didn't make it in the pictures.

This Saturday was a busy day: we had 3 parties!! Our first was at the church. We made toiletry bags for a local refugee organization, decorated snowmen and ate cookies.

Cleve, mom and the kids came down for a baking party and sleepover. We made 4 different gluten free Christmas goodies!

That night, Dave and I went to his Ju-Jitsu party in South Carolina. We had a great time together and he was excited for me to meet all his friends! We didn't get home until 1 am, and Dave had to go to early morning church meetings. We both crashed hard during Dorothy's nap.

Even though it was cold and a little rainy, we still made it to the gardens Sunday night. This is one of our favorite things to do as a family. We even got to see some hula dancing; the boys weren't that thrilled but Dorothy was mesmerized.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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