Sunday, January 17, 2016

January Birthdays

The kids made cards for Dave and Lincoln made some superhero watch out of cardboard. Dave requested ice cream sundaes, which the kids were totally fine with.

Soon after this pigtail picture was taken, my sweet little girl got that terrible virus Lincoln had.

 Got NOTHING during those 5 days! There was just a ton of snuggling.

She was feeling a little better on her birthday, so family came down to help celebrate. Dave made her the Minnie Mouse cake.

Dorothy is trying to say more. She still is only saying things when she wants to and not when we try to prompt her! She is such a big helper. The other day I was cleaning the floor with a rag, and she came over with baby wipes. She got right on her hands and knees with me to clean up. I cannot believe my baby girl is 2 already!

Happy New Year

By New Years Eve, every Lego set had been put together. 

Gigi came to visit!! The kids love spending time with her. Dorothy got attached really quickly, once she realized Gigi always has headbands, jewelry and purses. 

Cleve and his family met up with us at Monkey Joes. 

Later that day, Lincoln complained that he was tired. I felt his forward and he was burning up. His fever lasted on and off for 5 days. 

On New Years Eve, Lincoln was still pretty pitiful. He did manage to eat some finger foods and watch a movie (our tradition). This year we watched Inside Out, which we all really enjoyed!

Dave worked on Dorothy's birthday present. Our sweet neighbor Sue gave us this antique rocking horse. She bought it for her grandkids, but they are past that stage. The spindles were broken but she knew Dave could fix it up.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Christmas is Here

It was the 5 of us at home opening presents. Surprisingly the boys didn't get up too early. We waited for Dorothy to wake up around 7:30, before we started opening. It was a major Star Wars Christmas for the boys. Grandma made the SW blankets; they got SW Lego from Santa; light sabers, Lego SW game, SW jammies, and a Yoda backpack from us.

Dorothy got quite a few Minnie Mouse things and baby doll items.

After lunch, all the family in Hickory came to us. Dave made a delicious Indian dinner and the kids played outside for a long time. It was warm enough outside that I actually got bug bites!

Later that night, we had a birthday party for me. Dave made a combo of two of my favorite cakes: a carrot coconut.

It was a wonderful day!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Getting Holly Jolly

This has been our 4th year going to the Belmont Christmas parade. It is something the kids and I really look forward to attending. We met up with the Sherril's and Larck's this year. I love it when Dorothy waves to all the people in the parade.

We decorated our tree together. We started the tradition of eating Chinese food before we decorate the tree. Last minute the boys decided they would prefer freezer meals instead (eww!). Most of the ornaments are towards the top of the tree, since the toddler likes to take them off!

Speaking of Dorothy, she has become more curious, rambunctious, and loud. She tried to swing Link's heavy pirate sword around all while yelling, "GO, GO, GO." She definitely fits in around here!

This makes my heart happy.

This boy is reading at a 4th grade level. He comes up with really funny comebacks too! Dave and I were reminding Drake that it was not a good idea to make naughty choices. Lincoln muttered under his breath, "Gonna ask he train conductor to borrow some coal." This is probably because Lincoln has to put up with the majority of his naughty choices!

Another one happened when we were driving home from church. Dave was driving in front of us, because he had an earlier church meeting. Lincoln noticed he was speeding. As soon as we parked he told Dave that he was speeding and shouldn't do that. Dave kind of brushed him off. After we went inside, Dave mentioned he needed to go back to the car for something. Lincoln said, "Ha, go back to the POLICE!"

The kids and I visited Hickory and took a trip to the Science Center. I don't know why Drake has to have his tongue out in every picture?!

St. Nick came to visit!

Drake did a great job at his preschool Christmas performance.

What is Christmastime without crafting? Even Dorothy was able to bead the pipe cleaner.

My sweet helper making lemonade for our lunch with the missionaries.

The Sunday before Christmas and day before family came.

Poor Chelsea ended up with major teeth pains from the plane ride and had to go to an urgent dental office. Everyone else went to Mercy Place, a low-income assisted living center for seniors. We met up with other friends from the community to sing carols and make ornaments with the residents. It was a great experience!

Later that day mom, Kristin and I took the kids to Goat Island Park.

The women had a great time at Rock Barn Spa a few days before Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, this group went to Star Wars, while Mom, Penny, Dorothy and I hung out.