Monday, May 21, 2012

Catch Up

I so want to catch up, but only making time for a little bit. We are in our house, and loving it! It is so nice for Dave to be only 20 minutes from work: this means we get to see more of him/put him to work at home. Lincoln has been having fun playing with all the toys that were in storage for 5 months, and Drake is loving the freedom of crawling all over the place!

There aren't any appropriate words to describe how wonderful my Mother-in-law is! She kept me sane, while we were painfully waiting for our loan to come through. Lincoln and she got so much great play time together. When we finally did move it, she and my just as great Father-in-law worked their buns off. I'm just glad we live in this time, where airplanes, skype, and telephones can keep us in touch with them all the way in Oregon.

It is strange, all of the sudden Lincoln seems like such a big boy. He is so smart: he has a crazy good memory. We were at the library and I briefly showed him a book and told him the title, which was pretty long. A couple days later when I took out the book, he told me the title. Since the piano has it's own room, he has been really interested in playing. He cracks me up when he hits a low note and sings, "BIG, BIG;" then he will hit a high note and sing "small, small." Bedtime is still a problem. Dave took Lincoln to the hardware store, and they enjoyed a getting some things for the house: they didn't get home until after 10pm! Lincoln also loved it when the 4 of us all played flashlight hide-and-seek in his room.

Drake is one sassy, strong-willed 11 month old! He is so vocal about what he wants/doesn't want. We have to basically have a wrestling match to get his diaper changed. He has been doing better during the night, only waking up once to eat. I have a feeling it will be harder to wean him than it was with Lincoln. After eating, the first thing he wants to do is crawl to Lincoln's room. He has 2 teeth now, wants nothing to do with books, and loves his teddy bears.

Dave prepared a yummy Mother's day dinner and blue cake (blue, for my boys). As the 4 of us sat outside eating, I felt so extremely blessed. I love being a momma to Lincoln and Drake!


  1. I love it! I remember that Link was tough to diaper at that age too. :) I think I even saw you change him standing up a few times.

    We miss you guys! We need to come out there to check out the new digs. Maybe this summer?!

  2. Thanks for the kind words. It was great to have some play time with the boys and get re-aquainted. I think it made it easier for me to take care of them when the moving actually happened.

    I also just want to say how awesome your parents are to take us in, and treat us just like family, and let us hang out. They are wonderful.

    It was also fun to get to share with your moving into your new home. We love you all!
