Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had a beautiful Easter Sunday yesterday. We did all the fun things:

We made a bunny cake.

We had an Easter egg hunt.

We dyed eggs. This year we used men's ties instead of food coloring.

All of those things are fun and great to do with kids, but this year we were able to teach Lincoln the real reason we have Easter. I don't know how much he understands, but we taught him that 1. Jesus died, but came back to life after three days. 2. Jesus died so that we call all go back to heaven one day. Those are hard concepts to really grasp. I know for me, every year my conviction and testimony of Christ grows stronger. I feel so indebted to Him for all of my many blessings.


  1. We are always TERRIBLE at Easter. It's the one celebration I just can't ever get it together. I have a few eggs to still be dyed in the fridge if that tells you anything....Glad to live vicariously through your Easter celebration. Great pictures. Your little men are getting big :-)

  2. Looks like the guys had a good time. I always though Easter was fun. Love the memories.
