Thursday, December 1, 2011

Back Home

Here is a little re-cap of our Thanksgiving trip...

Easy flights/drives to from airports: Lincoln and Drake are road/plane trip champions.
Hung out with lots of family.
Ate lots of pie.
Short trip to the Columbia River Temple.
Stomach bug affected all but 3 adults and 3 kids.
Ate more pie!
Girl Party that included Breaking Dawn.

I came home to a almost packed house. Yep, we are moving again. Yep, we don't know where, AGAIN!! Some day, hopefully soon, we will be able to throw some roots down. Dave still has his job in Winston, but we want to get the heck out of this nasty townhouse.

Lincoln is going through a really tough phase right now. He rarely listens to me and throws fits when he doesn't get his way. I was scolding me one day, and after this conversation happened:

Lincoln: I love you mom.
Me: I love you more Lincoln.
Lincoln: (thinking hard) ...more than me??
Me: Yep, I love you more.
Lincoln: I love you TWICE!

I would like to think he was looking for the word "most" but I'll take "twice!"

1 comment:

  1. You're so on top of things and even with a move taking place! I need to get to updating or it will all become I blur and I'll for sure leave out something. We miss you guys already!
