It took Lincoln a while to talk. He could repeat things, but he never really vocalized on his own. Lately, he has been talking up a storm. Before when I would pick him up from preschool, I would have to PRY anything out of him. Now, when I pick him up, I usually get some good information. Earlier this week he told me, "My teacher said Jack doesn't like that." I got worried, and replied, "What did you do to Jack?" He told me, "Ummm, I said Jackie Wacky a little bit." I bet he started that name calling because we call Drake, Drakie Waky!
Another morning he asked me if Storm (my parent's cat) and Maggie (my parent's dog) were married. One night he finished eating his treat, and then my dad made some ice cream. Lincoln shimmied up to him and said, "Can you taste me a bit." When my dad said yes, Lincoln looked at me and said, "You gotta see this, it's 2 oh my goodness treats!"
Lincoln climbs and jumps over everything. He freaks out if he gets the tiniest scratch or when any drop of water gets on him. His preschool teacher believes he has sensory issues. He loves reading Uncle Reed's huge Spiderman book, and he thinks that one of Spiderman's girlfriends is me. I am really enjoying him much more since I read the book 1-2-3 magic: I know how to handle his tantrums and how to correctly discipline him. One last thing, he is getting so tall. I haven't properly measured him, but he is up to my belly button.
Drake is 9 months old today! It is so strange how time just keeps going by faster. He is also growing so big: he wears 12 month clothes already. Drake is crawling everywhere and he gets where he wants quickly. His latest thing is pulling up on the couch, the fireplace, the chair, pretty much anything. He is so proud of this latest trick. We have tried the walker out a couple times, and I think he will have it mastered soon. He still has the cutest toothless grin! His personality is so mellow and sweet; however, he has shown a little attitude, especially when I take something away from him he shouldn't have.